
General Information

At the end of your appointment you will receive a written report and an invoice. We ask you to pay this invoice either in cash or with your Maestro Card. You will receive a certificate of payment for an eventual reimbursement from your insurance

Our offers for

Newborns, Children and Adults

with congenital or acquired heart disease

  • Assessment of:
  • Congenital heart defects
  • Acquired heart diseases (myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis, coronary problems etc…)
  • Cardiac murmurs
  • Cardiac pain, palpitations and other symptoms
  • Physical compromise, sudden exercise intolerance, dyspnoe..
  • Fitness for sports
  • Circulatory weakness, synkopes
  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Suspected cardiac insufficiency – congestive heart failure

Second opinion

            Sometimes there is a wish for a second opinion because of uncertainty and an insufficient explanation and understanding to a cardiac problem. In these cases I will give an honest second opinion – even without knowing the primary diagnosis. This will be done with all necessary discretion, only the patient or the parents will receive a report.

Pre- and postoperative care

In the case of a planned surgical or interventional treatment I will care for the necessary pre- and postoperative examinations and counseling.

Assessment for a possible prenatal cardiac intervention

In selected cases a prenatal cardiac intervention might be considered to avoid further damage to the heart and improve the outcome. Prenatal interventions on the fetal heart are very complex and carry a significant risk as well. Therefore, it is extremely important to perform a careful and detailed examination. As the director of the largest fetal cardiac interventions programme in Europe with almost 200 procedures I can offer my experience to get the best treatment for your unborn child. Additionally, I will counsel you regarding coverage of the costs through your insurance and will organize admission, hospital stay, all procedures until discharge as well as follow-up examinations.

Certificates for cardiac patients regarding Kindergarden, school, sports, driving licence etc…

            These certificates often are required by institutions to allow sports or participation.

Offers in pregnancy

I offer fetal echocardiography along with extensive counseling and prenatal care for your child.

Diagnosis or exclusion of congenital heart disease of the fetus as early as 16 weeks gestation

 Using one the best high-end ultrasound machines, equipped with the latest state-of-the-art probes and software, the fetal heart and circulation can be assessed by a transabdominal approach as early as 15-16 weeks gestation. At this time the fetal heart has already formed completely with all chambers and valves, so severe cardiac problems can be discovered or excluded already.

Assessment and therapy of fetal cardiac arrhythmias

 Fetal cardiac arrhythmias are not rare and in most of the cases not harmful. However, they can be caused by significant cardiac diseases, too. Using fetal ultrasound combined with Doppler-echocardiography, these arrhythmias can be classified and judged regarding their impact on the fetal circulation and fetal wellbeing. This is important for deciding whether and when a therapy (medication over the mother) is indicated.

Assessment for a possible prenatal cardiac intervention

In selected cases a prenatal cardiac intervention might be considered to avoid further damage to the heart and improve the outcome. Prenatal interventions on the fetal heart are very complex and carry a significant risk as well. Therefore, it is extremely important to perform a careful and detailed examination. As the director of the largest fetal cardiac interventions programme in Europe with almost 200 procedures I can offer my experience to get the best treatment for your unborn child. Additionally, I will counsel you regarding coverage of the costs through your insurance and will organize admission, hospital stay, all procedures until discharge as well as follow-up examinations.

Second opinion

 Sometimes there is a wish for a second opinion because of uncertainty and an insufficient explanation and understanding to a cardiac problem. In these cases, I will give an honest second opinion – even without knowing the primary diagnosis. This will be done with all necessary discretion, only the patient or the parents will receive a report.



All our examinations are completely painless!

Clinical exam

            This physical exam includes auscultation of the heart and the lungs, abdominal exam with assessment of liver and spleen size and structure as well as palpitation of pulses and peripheral perfusion. Signs of right or left heart failure will be assessed, too.

12-lead ECG

            Using a state-of-the-art ECG equipment with a specialized pediatric software 12-leads are registered simultaneously, analyzed and printed. We use 10 adhesive electrodes on the chest, shoulders and legs. This allows a distinct diagnosis of e.g. hypertrophy, chamber enlarge enlargement, cardiac perfusion, arrhythmias and much more.


            Echocardiography is performed with a new high-end ultrasound machine (GE Voluson E10/BT20) equipped with the latest software and all available probes for newborns, children and adults, as well as for fetal hearts. Besides the usual 2D examination there are options for Color-Doppler, Tissue Doppler, 3D and 4D examinations.

Oxygen Saturation by Pulse-Oximetry

This is a painless measurement uses an infra-red clip positioned on a finger or toe, depending on the age of the patient

Blood-pressure measurement

            Blood pressure is measured either using a cuff on the right or left arm or it is done by Doppler during the ultrasound-examination (systemic and pulmonary pressure)

Ultrasound of abdomen, kidneys and brain

            In addition to the heart, other organs can be affected, too, either congenital or secondary to the cardiac problem or cardiac surgery. Liver, spleen, kidney or (in the first 2 years of life) brain can be imaged by ultrasound.

Doppler-ultrasonographic examination of peripheral vessels

Arteries and veins can be compromised after cardiac surgery. They can by assessed by Doppler-Ultrasound

Nutritional counseling

            Nutrition plays a major role in all cardiac problems. So it is important to check the nutritional status, identify problems, analyze them and come up with individual solutions.

Written report

Each patient will receive a written report at the end of the appointment (also available in English). If you wish I can send a report to your referring physician as well.

If you are unable to meet your appointment, we ask you to cancel in a written form either by a text message to our mobile phone: +43 664 73377366 or by an E-mail to: So your appointment can be given to somebody else and we can avoid waisted time. In the case of not showing-up without preview cancelling, a cancellation fee might be charged.


Data protection

Office hours

Tuesday and Thursday 4 – 5 pm and individual appointments


Attention! New Address (200 m next to the former address)

Promenade 17, 3rd floor
A-4020 Linz, Austria